Thursday 4 January 2007

Hi Honey I'm Home ......

Well it would appear that i was not as good i had originally planned to be at updating this blog of mine !!

I will be attempting to do it a bit more often this year - kinda a new years resolution - not calling it that though as the way my brain works it just makes me want to not do it - i have an odd brain ... !!

Anyway check out Amy's blog for what's been happening since i fell asleep

what's happening now ... erm

1 - we just missed out on buying a new house - bit frustrating but probably good in the long term it needed a LOT of work and even though i had all the best intentions in the world to do it - chances are i would not have managed it - lots of stress avoided there then !!

2 - linerider - very very very adictive and cool game - there are some people who think that one day it will be as well know and played as tetris/ minesweeper - time will tell - it is very cool though

3 - Amy - wonderful as ever - was hard to go back to work after spending Christmas at home with her and Em for a week - was great to have that time together - but she is now getting up in the morning looking round for me - i am already in work by the time she gets up ....

4 - firefox - a little dull - but when writing this post i have just remember the coolness of one of its features - its a little obvious but - built in spell checker !! very useful for me and i do wonder how we nearly managed to get to the end of 2006 without a built in spell checker in our web browsers as standard!!

anyway hopefully more posts here soon !!