Thursday 19 April 2007

New House, New Phone ...

Thought it would be a good idea to blog again - keep meaning to write more often but just don't get around to it - kinda the story of my life ...

New House:
Things very chaotic at the moment! Shortly after my last post we managed to have an offer on our new house accepted - very cool. We were told it would all happen very quickly - but we didn't get keys until my birthday ....

We are now at the very exciting and stressful stage of doing all the works on the house before we move in. new bathroom, new kitchen and redecorate 2 out of the 3 bedrooms - the other spaces will have to wait until we move in - something we want to do ASAP.

Its all very exciting - but very stressful as trying to balance this with "normal" life pressures of keeping a home clean tidy / having food to eat etc - combined with a very very busy time for me at work means things are going to be very difficult over the next few weeks.

New Phone:
I am still enjoying my great new phone ( Orange SPV M700) its very cool - and best of all free !! Its been a while since i got a new gadget but i am very happy with this one - keep discovering new cool things i can do with it. - I am sure that this enthusiasm will wear off soon - something Em will not doubt be very happy with !!

Will stop here - lots to do here and should really get on with them - students back on monday - let the carnage commence !!