Saturday 29 December 2007

Friday 28 December 2007

Geek Out !!!


The following post contains lots of stuff that excited geeks - please feel free not to read it !!!

OK -Further to my previous post about installing Windows XP on a virtual machine in Ubuntu (lunux) Just finished watching the last episode of Top Gear season 10 that i downloaded and watched using the cool new BBC i-Player in a Virtual machine running under Ubuntu !!

Well i think it was cool ...

Why not just watch it in windows? - well it was a 600mb file that took around 30 mins to download - this way i could continue to work/play with ubuntu !!

Thursday 27 December 2007

Happy Christmas !!

Ok so its a bit late

But since when have i done things on time !!

Its been a fun Christmas so far. Amy has really been enjoying it! Some of my highlights so far:

  • Amy saying "more toys" every time she wanted to open a new present
  • In church on Christmas day we sat next to Paul Feesey and Amy handed him her "macapaca " doll and said "MA" then she handed him her "Upsy Daisy" doll and said "Jesus"....
  • I cooked Christmas dinner for the 1st time and it was good !! wasn't expecting it to be !!
  • My computer is working again !! Got the bits to make it work for Christmas
New computer:

Well its not really - but i am currently playing with Linux - Ubuntu. Its very exciting - not as easy as i was expecting but i am enjoying fiddling with it to make it do what i want !! As I type this I am currently experimenting with "Virtual Machines" ..... Basically I am simulating a computer on my computer - eh why i hear you say (if you havnt already tuned out by now !!) Well I am currently installing Windows XP on one of these virtual machines - so i can run it in a window in linux - all very cool !! Well I think it is

New House:

Well its still really not getting very far - I have been a bit rubbish in getting stuff done - its been a mad time in work (it is always..) and by the time i am home its just seams like too much effort to get stuff done. We are hoping to get some more stuff done over whats left of Christmas

Anyway - time to go - XP is installed - lets see what this baby can do !!