Tuesday 16 June 2009

Moving On

The Boxes are Packed and the truck has left

I have decided to leave Blogger and start out on my own. Its a bit sad to leave - But I am really excited about my new pad!

You can check it out here:


If you are one of the 2 people who have bookmarked this page - please bookmark my new blog !!

Friday 12 June 2009

And Then There Were 3 - Intro

I started to write this difficult Blog post - and it got a bit big - so I spit it up in to more easily digestible chunks:

And Then There Were 3 - A picture speaks a thousand words

I think this will be my last post in this series. Obviously future posts will refer back to this and be affected by it - but this will be my last in this series.

As this is the last - I wanted to write a little bit about pictures. My brain works in pictures - that's how I process and remember things.

In the limbo land as we were waiting for the physical side of things to happen we thought a lot about pictures. I am not talking about the hang on the wall pictures - but the hang in your brain pictures, the snapshots of life that get stuck in your brain. The images that bring back memories and feelings , good and bad.

We were very aware that as we waited there were a number of images of Jack and his desperately short life, that we could get stuck in our brains. Most were not happy ones. All were powerful and emotive. Most were focussed on the end of his short life.

We didn't want those to be the lasting images hanging on the walls in our heads.

So we made and active decision to remember Jack as he appeared in the only "real" picture we have. His 13 week scan pictures. Probably he died only a few days after they were taken. But that's not the emotion I am trying to hang with the picture.

I remember being in the hospital and feeling a little put out as we were not going to have a scan (they are optional) But the care we received on that day was a bit rubbish and we didn't want to cause more problems so we sat in line for our scan. It would be our 1st as we didn't have any with Amy.

It was such a happy moment

Em was delighted to see a happy health baby - she wasn't sick for no reason !!!

I was delighted to hear them declare "got a good strong heart"

Amy's eyes were filled with wonder and joy as she say the moving images of the "baby in mummy's tummy" moving around on screen kicking its legs.

So that's how we choose to remember Jack.

We have his picture on the fridge at the moment - to help cement that images in to our minds.

We will find a more permanent home somewhere, at some point.

The rest of my blog is full of pictures of Amy - obviously that's not going to happen with Jack. I dont want to put on here the picture of Jack - its a bit too personal. Seams odd to say that on a blog where I have expressed my feelings and thoughts so openly. But that's how it is. I hope you can understand.

Also this blog has been so sad I feel it needs to finish on a lighter note - one that better sums up where I am now and where I am heading. So here is my final closing image - Jack Jack from the Incredibles.

Jack Incredible to give him his proper name.

Yep that's a good place to finish.

Thursday 11 June 2009

And Then There Were 3 - One Page At A Time

Its been a week or so since I wrote the last part of this. I feel I need to write 2 more post and then I think this collections of posts will be done - back to "normal service" ...

Its funny how numbers have become important - specifically the number 1.

After we found out Jack had died everything became about the 1st

1st time we went to bed knowing he had died
1st time we went to be just the 3 of us
1st time we spoke to our families
1st time we saw our friends
1st time Em ate mayo after getting pregnant
1st week after we found out he had died completed

I dont think that's a bad thing - with such a big thing like this - you life does just stop in a way that very few other events can replicate. Everything after that pause slowly starts back up again and they will naturally be "1st"s.

It very much like a fullstop. Life dosent have many of them. I not sure right now if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

I am aware how easy it could be to fall in to a terrible trap of always keeping track of the 1st's

1st time I have been shopping
1st time I have cut the grass
1st time I have cleaned the car
1st Friday night after the week after THAT Friday Night
1st week completed after completing the 1st week ....

Remembering what has happened is very important. Thats probably the biggest reason for me writing these posts. But I dont want to dwell too long - thats not helpfull for me or those arround me.

Jack would have brough so much Joy over his life - I want to remember him and mourn his loss. But not replace that potential Joy with a long standing set of negative emotions and outlook.

So I am taking things one thing at a time, one page at a time.

I am not on the page where we found out Jack Died anymore.

But that dosent mean that it dosent matter or that i have forgotten.

That page is part of my story now. I cant go back and change it.

That page will affect all the other pages in my book - But thats ok.

I am glad that God knows what lies ahead in my book - and in some ways and am glad i dont. Life can be really, really hard.

But I want to keep turning the pages.

One at a time.

I dont want to skip though past the bad bits - they are all part of my story.

So I will keep turning the pages.

One at a time.

And thats ok.

Click here for the next part

Monday 1 June 2009

And Then There Were 3 - Turning the page

Its now been a few sleeps since that lonely night. So many people have said so many lovely things. So many people have done so many lovely things for us. So many people have been lost for words but just let us know there were thinking of us - and that was enough.

I do wonder if @ this point it is easier to be me than you?

There is nothing you can say to make this any easier for me. But there is a massive pressure to "make things better" and to "say the right thing". I dont think there is anything people can say to make things better. Thats not to put down those that have tried. It just an observation. Just knowing people are there is enough.

In the past few days we have been overwhelmed by so many wonderfully kind things.

Em's homegroup are cooking us meals - very very nice meals. we have a VERY healthy supply of chocolate and cake (in the "large healthy" not "good for you health" way). An anonymous friend has sent a £50 Tesco gift card. We have some really lovely cards and flowers. My work has said to take as much time as you need. Lots of people have offered to take Amy if we need a break.

The weather is beautiful here at the moment - its really helping things.

We are obviously desperately sad but as i said in my 1st post - I dont expect that to go away - I will just learn to live with it. We haven't had to deal with many people in real life at the moment - but we are taking things slowly - trying to have as much fun as possible with Amy and spend time together as a family. Not forgetting number 4 - but savouring 1, 2 and 3.

We had a lovely day today:

We went out to toddler Techniquest and then on to DRIVE THROUGH Starbucks! (Picture Above!) The weather has been beautiful the picture does not look like it was taken in Cardiff !!

Anyway I am running out of steam so i will call it a day for now. I will hope to post again over the next few days.

Thank you for you thoughts and prayers over the last few days.

Thank you for your company virtual / real / in mind

We are doing ok - we are a lot better off mentally and physically than I though we would be.

We are shattered - but are feeling LOT better than we have done for the last few months

We feel very special and loved my so many people

We are sad

But thats ok

Click here for the next part

And Then There Were 3 - "The Good, The Bad and the Paperwork"

Before I start - dont think for a second I am saying that I think that he died because God wanted it. I dont know if I'm theologically correct in this - but I dont feel that God went "ok time for you to go". But in all the other things we have clearly seen God @ work. We are comforted and strengthened by that. If you are not a Christian - you probably gave up reading this already and have skipped to the end for the summary. I guess it may come across as someone deluding themselves to hide from the grief - but for me - I am sure that God exists and he is looking out for me and my family. I dont understand why our baby died but I do know that God has clearly showed his presence to Me and Em in the events surrounding his death. Anyway rambling - must get on.

Just as we were going to bed (early for us) on last Wednesday evening it became clear that there was a problem with the baby. Em decided to drive herself to the hospital to have it checked out. Em is very phobic of hospitals. She somehow felt able to do this by herself rather than wake Amy or get any friends up to help.
Once there she found out what she had been worried about for quite some time - the baby had died.
The staff were fantastic - non of them actually appeared to want to say that the baby had died - but it was clear he had. Em said this to them and was then able to ask questions about what was to happen next and then drive home to me.

I had been in a right state at home waiting for news. Miraculously one of my old and very good friends appeared on Facebook and started a chat with me - 1st time for both of us - he is never on Facebook! He kept me company as I waited - it was just what I needed.

Em broke the news to me as she came in. I dont think I will ever forget the sadness from that night.

We got about 3 hours sleep that night.

The following morning we started telling people - hardest thing I have ever done.

Having to tell our beautiful Amy that the baby in mummy's tummy had died, will, I think, forever make my eyes well up.

But once again our gift from God was able to point out the positives and very quickly asked "will you be able to play with me now you are not porley?"

We were now in an odd limbo land - we had told most people. But we were just waiting for the physical side of it to be all over. It was so full of unknowns and unanswered questions it was a horrible time. We were able to start dealing mentally with the loss of Jack (what we would probably have called him if he was a he) but everything was on hold until the physical side was over - we had been told to expect anything from full on labour to "happen easily at home".

Again God's timing was perfect - on Friday afternoon just after Amy had gone down for nap. It " happened easily at home". We called the paramedics after being bounced round 4 departments at the hospital. They came and dealt with everything wonderfully. It was lovely for me to see the sense of relief on Em's face as she realised that the worst bit - the big scary unknown - was over. God provided us with a little light relief in the form of a woman who sat in the road outside beeping at the paramedic who had stopped outside of our house - he was in her way as she needed to turn around .. Who beeps at a paramedic ....

As Em went with the ambulance staff and had a merry dive round the hospital as people tried to figure out where she should go. I waited at home for Amy to wake up. Very odd. On her way out to the ambulance Em was able to give me a list of practical instructions of things to sort before I came in to the hospital to join her. Once that was done I was a bit stuck! My beautiful baby girl was still sleeping, the bag was packed ... my wife was in hospital ...

Eventually she woke up and I took her over to play with her friends - the hospital called just as I was leaving the house to say where Em had been taken to. Having to explain to Amy that mummy had gone to see the Doctors to make her better after the baby had died - was a bit difficult - especially when she said "it will come back soon".
"no, I'm sorry baby it wont be coming back, it's died".

I am not sure a 3 year old understands death - I am not sure if a 3 year old should understand death. But I think she "gets it". Its very hard.

Soon Amy was dropped off at friends and I was by Em's side in the hospital - despite my internal navigation being completely confused by the maze of Heath Hospital.

A couple of hours after it had all started - it was over. Miraculously easy. Em found the strength to cope with being in a hospital AND to have a blood test AND to have an injection. Anyone that knows what Em is like with needles and hospitals knows this is proof that God exists.

Ok so that may be stretching it a little far ;) - However you look at it - EM was very brave and coped tremendously well.

What followed was something decidedly unpleasant


It was very frustrating. After all the physical side was done we were probably in the hospital for another 3-4 hours. There was a LOT of hanging around waiting for forms to fill out. We just wanted to get out to see our wonderful Amy.

Eventually we got out. We paused to say goodbye to Jack on the edge of the Hospital grounds.

That was the end of a difficult chapter. Time to turn the page.

We had a beautiful and bitter-sweet walk back through Heath Park to number 56 where I had left the car. It was the same route we walked in the middle of the night to the hospital whilst Em was in labour with Amy.

We went round to our friend Non's To pick up Amy. She had been the perfect house guest! We then sat with Non and had some toast and hot drinks - just what we needed. Non has been through what we are going through so it was just right to sit for an hour or so in the company of people who know what its like.

It was hard being home that night.

It was the 1st night we were just 3 since we found out Em was pregnant.

Click here for the next part

And Then There Were 3

Last week we found out we lost our baby

He (we don't know if it was a "he" but that what both our guts think he was) would have been 17 weeks in to his time growing in Em last week. But the doctors think that the scan shows he dies around 4 weeks ago. He would have been just over 13 weeks old.

We are obviously desperately sad

I don't think that sadness will ever go away - I dont think that's a bad thing. Its just something you learn to live with. It become part of who you are. He would have been a part of our lives and changed them - so I dont see a problem with the fact of his death (there I said it) will affect us as well.

I know its probably sound a bit cheesy (I was going to say "cleshed" but as you can see I cant spell it ..) but I we have both really seen God in this. I wanted to write a bit about - partially because God has been so obvious I feel it is important to write about it but also I want to write things down before I forget the little details that make up this important story in my life.

I am going to break this down in to bits - its turning in to a mammoth post! - Click here for the Next Part

Thursday 16 April 2009

been a while .... ahem

Well i am sure nobody is readying this now !!

Just thought it was worth a post. A lot has happened in the tech world since i started this blog -
I am now on facebook and twitter - probably a bit more than i should be.
I listen to music via last.fm
Google reader has completely changed how i browse the web
I run linux (ubuntu) on my home pc and when i need windows i power up a Virtual pc that runs inside linux
I remote desktop in to my work machine so i can work from home
I have push email and 500mb of free data month on my phone so the Internet and my "connected" life is never very far away...

is that a good thing?

well it means i feel a lot more "connected" to other people - the illusion that other people are out there reading what you are up to and "following" you - makes you (well ok me) feel a little less lonely. Thats sounds a bit sad (as in sniff snff) its not really meant to be - i think i am actually quite solitary by nature (but is that a reaction or just as I always have been ....) I love my family to bits and really couldn't imagine life without my precious girls (and bump!!)

Real life is wonderful and hard

Virtual life is ... what ? web2.0 ... ? glossy ? 2D ?

Which one is better?

Would i prefer one or the other?

Hell NO!

each compliments the other - each provides a balance and base to the other.

Sure if I lost all the things in my "real" life I would be devastated and completely and hopelessly lost. The loss of my virtual life I would not feel the same - but it would still hit me hard. It's amazing how important a bunch of 1's and 0's are to me.

frustratingly I cant sum this up in words - its times like this when i wish i took art instead of drama (I was an A grade student in art believe it or not !!) I just have a picture in my head - twines of 1's and 0's weaving in and out of luscious green complex vines - each supporting the other, each depending on the others strengths to fill their weakness.

Its a lovely picture.

Well in my head it is - unfortunately my head dosent have a "post to facebook" button .....



Saturday 4 October 2008

Spy shots from a wedding

I go undercover with a rubish cameraphone @ ruth and andys wedding

rather anoyingly - after downloading my pics from my propper camera - this was one of my best pics !!

Sunday 7 September 2008

Amy asleap after a very busy weekend

One wedding, 600 miles, 12 hours in the car and my very cute baby girl decides enough is enough and clambers on to the sofa and promptly falls asleep !