Thursday 16 April 2009

been a while .... ahem

Well i am sure nobody is readying this now !!

Just thought it was worth a post. A lot has happened in the tech world since i started this blog -
I am now on facebook and twitter - probably a bit more than i should be.
I listen to music via
Google reader has completely changed how i browse the web
I run linux (ubuntu) on my home pc and when i need windows i power up a Virtual pc that runs inside linux
I remote desktop in to my work machine so i can work from home
I have push email and 500mb of free data month on my phone so the Internet and my "connected" life is never very far away...

is that a good thing?

well it means i feel a lot more "connected" to other people - the illusion that other people are out there reading what you are up to and "following" you - makes you (well ok me) feel a little less lonely. Thats sounds a bit sad (as in sniff snff) its not really meant to be - i think i am actually quite solitary by nature (but is that a reaction or just as I always have been ....) I love my family to bits and really couldn't imagine life without my precious girls (and bump!!)

Real life is wonderful and hard

Virtual life is ... what ? web2.0 ... ? glossy ? 2D ?

Which one is better?

Would i prefer one or the other?

Hell NO!

each compliments the other - each provides a balance and base to the other.

Sure if I lost all the things in my "real" life I would be devastated and completely and hopelessly lost. The loss of my virtual life I would not feel the same - but it would still hit me hard. It's amazing how important a bunch of 1's and 0's are to me.

frustratingly I cant sum this up in words - its times like this when i wish i took art instead of drama (I was an A grade student in art believe it or not !!) I just have a picture in my head - twines of 1's and 0's weaving in and out of luscious green complex vines - each supporting the other, each depending on the others strengths to fill their weakness.

Its a lovely picture.

Well in my head it is - unfortunately my head dosent have a "post to facebook" button .....




Ruthy said...

I still read it! Don't really understand all the techy speak - but I forgive you for that!!

Matt Rogerson said...

thank you ! very brave of you to wade through my technowaffle